Qui n'a jamais vu ces petites fioles d'huiles ou ces petits bonbons aux plantes au nom intriguant "Les Fleurs de Bach"...
Moi je connaissais leurs bien faits sur notre stress (oui j'avais eu un échantillons une fois et je l'ai gardée quand j'ai passer mon Bac)
Mais je ne savais pas que cette marque magique faisait aussi des soins!
Imaginez vous des soins créer pour vous chouchoutez,vous déstressez après une longue et pénible journée...
Alors moi qui stresse pour un rien et je pense que ma peau est aussi stressée que moi j'ai testé le Masque anti-stress aux fleurs de Bach
Ce que dis le site:
Site web:http://www.lesfleursdebach.com
The Flowers of Bach the test!
Who has never seen these small phials of oil or these small candies in plants in the intriguing name " The Flowers of Bach "...
I knew their done well on our stress (yes I had had one samples once and I kept(guarded) her(it) when I have to take my High school diploma)
But I did not know that this magic mark(brand) also made care!
You care imagine create for you spoil, you relax after long and painful day...
Then I who put under stress for nothing and I think that my skin is put under stress as well as I I tested the Mask anti-stress in the flowers of Bach
That say the site:
Mask anti-stress in the flowers of Bach
The mask anti-stress contributes to the relaxation of the spirit and to the hydration of the skin. The complexion finds its brightness and the lines(features) are relaxed.
The quintessence of the flowers of Bach in a mask cremates to apply in envelope to the face during a quarter of an hour approximately for an effect of extreme relaxation.
His(Her,Its) formula is enriched by sweet almond oil, by oil of jojoba and by shea butter for their moisturizing virtues and régénérantes.
The hydrolats of Lime tree and Balm bring as for them brightness and reassurance.
The vitamin E natural, besides its anti-oxidizing and moisturizing properties, improve the state of the skin and bring him(her) brightness and tonic effect.
Amber tube 60 ml
All the products of the range anti-stress are formulated with the flowers of Bach anti-stress for the relaxation of the spirit, thus the body:
Aigremoine: favor the expression and the self-respect
Oak: invite in the peace, in release-grip(-taking)
Impatient person: help(assistant) to the indulgence, to the sympathy
White chestnut tree: help(assistant) to the mental peace
Pine: help to get free of the burden of the guilt
Crab-apple tree: help to put in perspective the thoughts parasites
Verbena tea(Verbena): return towards the peace and the tranquillity
( Source(Spring) and images of site:http: // www.lesfleursdebach.com)
What I liked:
*-Smell! I like(love) when products smell good and transports us in another world.
*-La smooth and pleasant texture.
*-Le result(profit)! In the end(final) 15 minutes I am relaxed, serene and that calmed my stress, my skin is rested(based) and more sensational.
I liked(loved) everything! There is really nothing to add.
Well-kept parcel, fast delivery, produces very satisfactory.
I deeply recommend you their products because they are really brilliant. They relaxs us in some minutes and we one forget all our concerns(marigolds)!
I thank The Flowers of Bach a lot for having had the idea of cosmetics as those there.
The short history of the mark(brand):
Association The Flowers of Bach (law 1901)
Association, non-profit, based(established) in February, 1993, governed by the law of July 1st, 1901.
The object of this association is to favor the transmission of the thought of Doctor BACH, the distribution(broadcasting) of its method of preparation of gasolines(essences) of flowers and all the secondary activities relating to what precedes.
There are really the Parisians who are fortunate:
The association organizes meetings on Paris approximately 1 time by quarter as well as exits(releases) nature.
Flowers and Harmony 53, rue des Batignolles 75017 Paris
Moi je connaissais leurs bien faits sur notre stress (oui j'avais eu un échantillons une fois et je l'ai gardée quand j'ai passer mon Bac)
Mais je ne savais pas que cette marque magique faisait aussi des soins!
Imaginez vous des soins créer pour vous chouchoutez,vous déstressez après une longue et pénible journée...
Alors moi qui stresse pour un rien et je pense que ma peau est aussi stressée que moi j'ai testé le Masque anti-stress aux fleurs de Bach
Ce que dis le site:
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LES SOINS SPECIFIQUES ANTI-STRESS AUX FLEURS DE BACH: LE MASQUE Le masque anti-stress contribue à la relaxation de l’esprit et à l’hydratation de la peau. Le teint retrouve son éclat et les traits sont détendus. La quintessence des fleurs de Bach dans un masque crème à appliquer en enveloppement sur le visage pendant un quart d’heure environ pour un effet de détente extrême. Sa formule est enrichie d’huile d’amande douce, d’huile de jojoba et de beurre de karité pour leurs vertus hydratantes et régénérantes. Les hydrolats de Tilleul et de Mélisse apportent quant à eux éclat et apaisement. La vitamine E naturelle, outre ses propriétés anti-oxydantes et hydratantes, améliore l’état de la peau et lui apporte éclat et tonicité. Tube ambré 60 ml Tous les produits de la gamme anti-stress sont formulés avec les fleurs de Bach anti-stress pour la relaxation de l'esprit, donc du corps: Aigremoine: Favorise l'expression et l'estime de soi Chêne: Invite au calme, au lâcher-prise Impatiente: Aide à l'indulgence, à la sympathie Marronnier blanc: Aide au calme mental Pin: Aide à se dégager du fardeau de la culpabilité Pommier sauvage: Aide à relativiser les pensées parasites Verveine: Ramène vers le calme et la tranquillité (Source et images du site:http://www.lesfleursdebach.com) Voici comment j'ai reçue le colis: Ce que j'ai aimé: *-L'odeur!J'aime quand les produits sentent bons et nous transporte dans un autre monde. *-La texture onctueuse et agréable. *-Le résultat!Au final des 15 minutes je suis détendue,sereine et ça a calmé mon stress,ma peau est reposée et plus éclatante. J'ai tout aimé!Il n'y a vraiment rien à redire. Colis soigné,livraison rapide,produit très satisfaisant. Je vous recommande vivement leurs produits car ils sont vraiment géniaux.Ils nous déstresse en quelques minutes et nous on n'oublie tous nos soucis! Je remercie beaucoup Les Fleurs de Bach pour avoir eu l'idée des cosmétiques comme ceux là. Petite histoire de la marque: |
Association Les Fleurs de Bach (loi 1901)
Association, sans but lucratif, fondée en février 1993, régie par la loi du 1er Juillet 1901.
L’objet de cette association est de favoriser la transmission de la pensée du Docteur BACH, la diffusion de sa méthode de préparation d’essences de fleurs et toutes les activités annexes se rapportant à ce qui précède.
Il y a vraiment les Parisiennes qui sont chanceuses:
L’association organise des rencontres sur Paris environ 1 fois par trimestre ainsi que des sorties nature. Fleurs & Harmonie
53,rue des Batignolles
75017 Paris
The Flowers of Bach the test!
Who has never seen these small phials of oil or these small candies in plants in the intriguing name " The Flowers of Bach "...
I knew their done well on our stress (yes I had had one samples once and I kept(guarded) her(it) when I have to take my High school diploma)
But I did not know that this magic mark(brand) also made care!
You care imagine create for you spoil, you relax after long and painful day...
Then I who put under stress for nothing and I think that my skin is put under stress as well as I I tested the Mask anti-stress in the flowers of Bach
That say the site:
Mask anti-stress in the flowers of Bach
The mask anti-stress contributes to the relaxation of the spirit and to the hydration of the skin. The complexion finds its brightness and the lines(features) are relaxed.
The quintessence of the flowers of Bach in a mask cremates to apply in envelope to the face during a quarter of an hour approximately for an effect of extreme relaxation.
His(Her,Its) formula is enriched by sweet almond oil, by oil of jojoba and by shea butter for their moisturizing virtues and régénérantes.
The hydrolats of Lime tree and Balm bring as for them brightness and reassurance.
The vitamin E natural, besides its anti-oxidizing and moisturizing properties, improve the state of the skin and bring him(her) brightness and tonic effect.
Amber tube 60 ml
All the products of the range anti-stress are formulated with the flowers of Bach anti-stress for the relaxation of the spirit, thus the body:
Aigremoine: favor the expression and the self-respect
Oak: invite in the peace, in release-grip(-taking)
Impatient person: help(assistant) to the indulgence, to the sympathy
White chestnut tree: help(assistant) to the mental peace
Pine: help to get free of the burden of the guilt
Crab-apple tree: help to put in perspective the thoughts parasites
Verbena tea(Verbena): return towards the peace and the tranquillity
( Source(Spring) and images of site:http: // www.lesfleursdebach.com)
What I liked:
*-Smell! I like(love) when products smell good and transports us in another world.
*-La smooth and pleasant texture.
*-Le result(profit)! In the end(final) 15 minutes I am relaxed, serene and that calmed my stress, my skin is rested(based) and more sensational.
I liked(loved) everything! There is really nothing to add.
Well-kept parcel, fast delivery, produces very satisfactory.
I deeply recommend you their products because they are really brilliant. They relaxs us in some minutes and we one forget all our concerns(marigolds)!
I thank The Flowers of Bach a lot for having had the idea of cosmetics as those there.
The short history of the mark(brand):
Association The Flowers of Bach (law 1901)
Association, non-profit, based(established) in February, 1993, governed by the law of July 1st, 1901.
The object of this association is to favor the transmission of the thought of Doctor BACH, the distribution(broadcasting) of its method of preparation of gasolines(essences) of flowers and all the secondary activities relating to what precedes.
There are really the Parisians who are fortunate:
The association organizes meetings on Paris approximately 1 time by quarter as well as exits(releases) nature.
Flowers and Harmony 53, rue des Batignolles 75017 Paris
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Melle Sarah